Logic. Making AI-based image processing usable

Logic. ist eine Endgeräte unabhängige Technologie für KI-basierte Bildverarbeitung
© Fraunhofer IPK
Logic. is a terminal-independent technology for AI-based image processing.
Logic. modulare, skalierbar Plattform für Anwendung der KI-basierten Bildverarbeitung
© Fraunhofer IPK
Logic. modular, scalable platform for application of AI-based image processing

Fraunhofer IPK draws on years of experience in machine and deep learning for industrial image processing. In addition to implementing the latest research findings, a key focus is on overcoming barriers to entry for this technology.

Logic. is a project with the goal of enabling companies to make use of AI technologies for themselves, according to the motto »help for self-help«. In addition to an AI platform, Fraunhofer IPK also offers consulting and analysis services in the field of industrial image processing.

The core is a modular, service-based platform for solving problems in industrial AI-based image processing. The system processes images using state-of-the-art methods on a central server, as a cloud, edge or stand-alone system, and integrates a wide variety of acquisition devices via a wireless interface. There is no restriction whether a mobile (smartphone) or complex capture device (Logic.Cube) is used. A wide variety of evaluations can be performed for the photographed object. Different services are possible, starting with the measurement, from marker-free recognition up to quality control.

The technology is an assistance system: It prepares suggestions for the user based on the processed information. This can be, for example, a suggestion list with five possible objects, sorted by probability. The user can select the correct object from this list. This involves the user in the process, documents process steps and reduces errors by combining man and machine according to the »four eyes« principle. Through the interaction with the human and the central processing, the system continues to learn and constantly improves itself.

The combination of assistance system and continuous learning makes it possible to start with a smaller initial data set and then continue to teach the system in the process. This significantly reduces the initial effort.

More on Logic. - Harnessing AI-based image processing and overcoming staff shortages.

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Contact Press / Media

Tom Wolf

Machine Vision department

Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK
Pascalstraße 8-9
10587 Berlin, Germany

Phone +49 30 39006-194

Contact Press / Media

Oliver Heimann

Head of the Machine Vision department

Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK
Pascalstraße 8-9
10587 Berlin, Germany

Phone +49 30 39006-327